

The guidelines or rules outlined here specify the norms of dignified and acceptable behaviour for classroom and non-classroom areas and facilities that students use in the course of the school day. We at SHS strongly believe that guidelines for good behaviour are very important as they groom students for real life situations by acquainting them with basic etiquettes that are the foundation of a safe and cultured environment. The compliance to the following code of conduct is compulsory for all the students, failure of which will lead to disciplinary action against them.


  • Students are expected to carry themselves with dignity and poise, be polite and courteous to their elders and kind, co-operative with their fellow students. Parent’s co-operation with the school is crucial in helping their child to develop into a worthy citizen of tomorrow.
  • The school timings need to be adhered to as a lifestyle which inculcates punctuality and discipline. All students must comply with the school timings.
  • Students should be habitually clean and always neatly and immaculately dressed in school uniform.
  • The school uniform should be worn on all working days and for all school functions.
  • All boys (except Sikhs) must wear their hair short. Girls must tie their hair neatly with a band.
  • Every student must carry his/her Almanac and identity card to school everyday.
  • Students should only specified washrooms and water coolers assigned to them.
  • Students are expected to be well behaved and courteous while using the school transport.
  • Any indiscipline in the school transport will result in withdrawal of the facility.
  • Bringing of mobile phones, CDs, DVDs, Camera, Books, Magazines (except text books & library books) or any other objectionable material to the school is strictly prohibited.
  • All the students are expected to take care of the school property and should not damage it. Strict disciplinary action will be taken against students who are found guilty of damaging any school property or involved in thefts / stealing and other unethical practices. Damage, even done by mistake, should be reported immediately to the Class Teacher or the Principal. Students will have to pay for any damage of any school property.
  • Availing of dining facilities during teaching periods as well as celebrations in the class or school premises is not allowed.
  • In case of absence from school, a leave application should be sent to the Class Teacher. Attendance on all national festivals/important events is compulsory.
  • A student should not indulge in any kind of unfair means during the examination. Disciplinary action will be taken if found guilty.
  • No student is allowed to bring his/her two wheeler/four wheeler to the school.
  • Bunking classes or missing any period without the permission of the teacher will invite punishment.
  • Students are expected to give due respect and regard to all teachers. They should not argue unnecessarily, disregard or behave aggressively with teachers. However, they will always be encouraged to express their point of view in a proper manner.
  • Lending or borrowing of money or other articles is not allowed.
  • The school does not permit bursting of crackers. Such action may include expulsion of a student from school.
  • Students are advised to keep their classroom / school building / campus as neat as possible and throw leftovers only into the dustbins.
  • Students should observe polite standards of behavior wherever they go. They should always remember that the school is judged by their conduct. They should greet their teachers when they meet them
  • It is expected from the senior students that the juniors be treated with love and affectionwhile the juniors show respect to their seniors.
  • Discipline must be maintained in the classroom during periods.
  • No student should leave the classroom in between the periods. In case of an emergency or some important work, they will be allowed to move out only if they carry an “OUT PASS”.
  • The entire class should move in a single line with hands at the back whenever they go for their practical classes to the library or any co-curricular activities. Class monitor is expected to ensure the same.


The school has zero tolerance for:


  1. A) Bullying/Physical Violence
  2. B) Use of tobacco, alcohol, narcotic drugs etc.