
Principal Desk

“All the world’s a stage. And we are merely players”.-William  Shakespeare

Dear Parent,

Warm Greetings from Sanatan High School, Bharatpur!


 I would like our school to be known as a growing institute in pursuit of excellence dedicated towards making leaders of tomorrow.

Exposing students to the best educational practices is the first prerequisite in the process of delivering world class quality education. Tools combined with equally trained facilitators takes learning to the highest paradigm and keeping this as our base, we are committed to make each child in our school actualize his or her potential  and become a responsible world citizen.

>Good education is that which enables the child to grow holistically and have balanced all round development of his or her personality. In the present world scenario, India is strongly emerging as a world economic power. To become a true world superpower, what we need is not just intellectuals and individuals equipped with high professional degrees but we also require people who have character and who have been groomed in an environment where a lot of emphasis has been given on understanding life skills and humanistic values.

            According to our school philosophy, each child should be able to understand and appreciate rich Indian heritage and culture, should be concerned with his environment and surroundings, should possess leadership qualities with a sense of team work, fair play and develop a questioning mind with a strong spirit of adventure.

   I strongly feel that values provide an anchor to life as well as the ability to take decisions. They make you strong and capable of withstanding the greatest storms. Concepts of peace, harmony and tolerance must be learnt in school. The education system must strengthen adherence to secularism, inclusiveness and pluralism. These give strength and sustenance to our diverse multi-cultural, multi-religious and multi-lingual society.

  I look forward to having your whole hearted co-operation in taking the school to newer heights in the days to come.



With best regards,


S.C. Sharma

Sanatan School Bharatpur